Kevin Estrada Your Next Software Engineer Welcome to my portfolio! Please take some time to view my work experiences and projects. If your business needs a digital presence, go ahead and fill out the contact form so we can discuss further on creating/revamping your website. In addition, if anything below strikes some interest, please feel free to reach out to have a chat!

Coding Image

Work Experience

Most recent work experience

These experiences range from various areas including the utilization of agile methods, supporting data infrastructures using DevOps tatics, and implementing concepts of reducing MTTR.

Software Engineer

  • Company: Capgemini
  • Date(s): Feburary 2020 - Current
  • Location: Chicago, Il

marketing illustration

Software Engineer

  • Company: 100Devs Agency
  • Date(s): January - Current
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA

marketing illustration

Project Configuration

  • Company: USA Strategic Petroleum Reserve Internship
  • Date(s): May 2019 - August 2019
  • Location: New Orleans, LA

web development illustration

Undergraduate Student Researcher

  • Company: Texas A&M International University
  • Date(s): August 2018 - May 2019
  • Location: Laredo, TX

cloud hosting illustration

Technologies Used Up To Date

Languages & Web Technologies

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Frameworks & Libraries

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Latest Projects

This is a section where my projects that I have done, can be found. To find out more information, please click on the certain project tile to see more.


A little section of any of my certifications!

Contact Me!

Fill out the form below and it should send me a message with all below info straight to my personal email! I should be able to contact you via email within a couple of hours! Don't be shy!

Contact me with a personal message!